Amazing Health Benefits Of Herbal Teas
They say there’s nothing a cup of tea can’t fix, and there is some truth to that. For centuries, tea has proven itself to be one of the most healthiest drink in the world, being the second most popular drink in the world next to water. While water is the number one recommended drink to staying hydrated, flushing out toxins, and maintaining healthy organs, herbal teas when prepared with the right ingredients and methods can provide lots of amazing health benefits.
Given the lifestyle of our city people these days, herbal tea is very beneficial, you will observe lots of different in your body both internally & externally with a little change in lifestyle and a cup of herbal tea everyday. Herbal teas are rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals which are much needed in the body.
To gain the health benefits that comes with teas, it is very important to drink Herbal teas that are made from 100% NATURAL HERBS and stay away from Flavoured teas. When next you go to shop for your herbal teas, make sure it is made with 100% organic herbs with no artificial flavour or colouring.
There are numerous health benefits of herbal tea. In this article, we will give you 10 amazing health benefits of drinking herbal teas. Some people may like to add honey, sugar or maybe even milk to their herbal tea, it’s not too bad. Just make sure you are mindful about how much you add to get the full health benefits.
Table of Contents
10 Amazing Health Benefits Of Herbal Teas
1. Anti-aging
Doesn’t everyone wish they could look and feel younger? Herbal teas are high in antioxidants, minerals and vitamins which can reduce UV damage to the skin, act as a great moisturiser and help slow down the aging process.
Herbal teas help make your skin flawless and younger by preventing free radical damage and restoring the age of the cells in your body.
2. Boost Immunity
Many herbs used today to prepare herbal teas have been scientifically examined and they show lots of immune-boosting properties.
Herbal teas are great for helping fight disease, infections, lower the risk of chronic disease and protect against oxidative stress.
3. Relieves Stress
Herbal teas made from chamomile, lemongrass are great for reducing stress, anxiety and treat insomnia. There are many other herbs that has shown these stress relieving ability when prepared as tea.
Herbal teas are also very beneficial to those who suffer from depression, some herbal teas also act as mild antidepressant because they releases chemicals in the brain that fight stress and depression.
4. Weight Loss
Herbal teas are rich in natural chemicals that help you burn fat and also help in boosting metabolism.
For those who wish to loss some weight, while you exercise and diet, we strongly recommend you take herbal teas regularly. Teas that contain herbs like lemongrass, fennel, physillium husk, senna, Caralluma fimbriata are excellent for weight loss.
5. Reduce Inflammation
Herbal teas like Turmeric Ginger Tea, Peppermint Tea, Eucaliptus Tea, Black pepper are great for inflammatory issues.
Herbal teas made with the above herbs contain anti-inflammatory properties and are great teas in relieving everything from Arthritis and gastrointestinal issues to hemorrhoids to headache.
6. Aids Digestion
Herbal teas benefits your digestive system in so many ways, you will experience easy digestion when you take a cup of herbal tea after meals.
Teas that contain peppermint, senna, dandelion, fennel ginger are reach in chemicals that smoothes the digestive system and acts as an appetite suppressant, reducing the urge to overeat. Drinking these teas help alleviate digestive issues such as constipation, indigestion, stomach cramps and ulcers.
7. Detoxification
Detoxification is the process of cleansing the body from inside. It is necessary for maintaining overall health and well-being. If you wish to detoxify your body, the right and appropriate drink for you is Herbal teas.
The fact that most of the food we consume these days are processed, with artificial flavours, sweeteners and preservative, we need to detoxify our body regularly for a healthy wellbeing.
The active components in Detox Teas work in the body to cleanse the system, reduce inflammation and maintain quality health. It is recommended to detoxify your body on a weekly bases to avoid common sickness.
8. Anti nausea
Herbal teas like ginger tea, peppermint tea and chamomile tea does not only relieve nausea but also aid various physical & mental issues.
People who regularly suffer from nausea and vomiting, will get almost an instant relief after drinking a cup of warm herbal teas. Pregnant women are advised to drink a cup of herbal tea daily.
9. Lower Blood Pressure
Try drinking herbal tea, dieting and exercising to lower your blood pressure instead of taking pills. Herbal teas such as Mistletoe tea, Hibiscus tea, Green tea can decrease blood pressure without any negative side effects due to the chemicals they contains.
High blood pressure can negatively affect the heart and kidney, and pills have lots of side effects, so if you’re looking for a natural treatment for Hypertension, Herbal tea & lifestyle is the way to go.
10. Fights Cold & Flu
One of the most important healing functions of tea may simply be that it keeps you hydrated and warm. Just a few sips of warm herbal tea can start to make you feel better.
Herbal teas are great for treating a cold & flu. Peppermint, chamomile, echinacea, ginger, lemon, green tea are some of the best teas for fighting a cold & flu as they have properties that clear the nasal passages and stops heavy coughs. They can also reduce the symptoms of asthma.
As you’ve seen, there are numerous health benefits of herbal tea. We advise our readers to always insist on ORGANIC HERBAL TEAS made with 100% herbs not Flavoured! Organic herbal teas arguably the most healthy type of tea because they’re natural, great tasting, and contain no or very less caffeine.
If you haven’t already given herbal teas a try. To enjoy the health benefits of herbal teas, Check out our variety of herbal teas made from 100% organic plants we offer here, we’re sure you won’t regret it. .

Herbal Tea
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